As I packed our bags to fly to St. Louis to spend Thanksgiving with my family I thought about all of the things I am thankful for this year. While it is easy to think about what we are thankful for, it is often more difficult to tell others. Here are the ABC’s of what I am thankful for this year.
A – Avocados… packed with nutrients and ‘healthy’ fats, avocados take any dish to the next level and are delicious!
B – Boys… I have four of the most wonderful boys at my house who love me with all of their hearts and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.
C – Creativity
D – Democracy
E – Exercise… it comes in many forms these days but exercise is the way I relieve stress and I often come up with my best ideas while I’m out for a run.
F – Family… having a special bond with my sisters and beyond makes for a fantastic get together at Thanksgiving.
G – Giving… I am so fortunate to have the ability to give to others who don’t have as much as I do. Especially during the holiday season, I think it is super important to give back. As you know, we’ll be donating part of our profits from now until the end of the year to NY Common Pantry. Now you can feel good about shopping.
H – Heat and Hot Water… Since the gas got turned off in my building I have been frustrated with my electric cooking situation but I definitely appreciate that we are still able to keep warm and have hot water to cook and clean with!
I – Ice Cream
J – Joy
K – Ketchup… one of the few things that makes French Fries better, hold the truffle oil, I’ll take ketchup any day!
L – Legs… my legs are my vehicle in the city getting me where I need to be, helping me be strong and allowing me to go, go, go.
M- Music… the tunes set the mood for whatever I am feeling or need to feel.
N – Nachos
O – OxiClean …. Keeping our clothes stain free!
P – Phone… this should really be iPhone. I know we’re all on our phones too much lately but how convenient is it to have a way to talk to someone, get your email, check your calendar, use a calculator and follow the news all on the same place. And that list is just the beginning.
Q – Quiet … I truly appreciate the moments in my day without noise to let myself think and decompress.
R – Rest… I need more of it but truly am thankful for the rest I am able to get in my day.
S – Subway… mass transit, not the restaurant! It is entertainment for my kids but also a great way to get around the city
T – Trucks … on the street we love looking for construction trucks, garbage trucks, delivery trucks, etc. They make our walks entertaining and keep us looking ahead.
U – Umbrellas … Anyway to keep dry on a rainy day is something I am thankful for.
V – Vaseline… it keeps your lips from getting chapped
W – Women… My grandmothers, my mom, my sisters and my friends; I couldn’t get through life without their examples, strength and support.
X – Xi… perfect for when I have an to use and X in Scrabble
Y – Yogurt… a meal any time of the day and perfect for all ages
Z – Zippers… closing jackets in a flash!
Happy Black Friday,