Bring on the grill… Summer is here

This past weekend we had weather that made it really feel like summer.  I spent Saturday at a friend’s house soaking up the sun, warm weather and, most importantly, eating meat from the grill.  Cooking over an open flame makes everything taste better, everything.  One of my favorite meats to grill is skirt steak. It is super easy to prepare, and everyone likes it.  The skirt is cut from under the breast of the steer and rarely is thicker than 3/4 inch, which makes for quick cooking. Try the recipe below to impress your friends this summer.

Happy Friday!


Spiced Skirt Steak

Makes 4 Servings


2 lbs. skirt steak, trimmed

3 tablespoons olive oil

3 tablespoons La Boîte Ayala – Rosemary, Black Pepper and Garlic Blend


-Combine olive oil and La Boîte Ayala – Rosemary, Black Pepper and Garlic Blend and rub into skirt steak.  Let the meat sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before grilling.

-Prepare your gas or charcoal grill. Once the grill is hot oil the grates to prevent sticking.  Add the steak to the grill and cook 3-4 minutes per side for medium.

-Allow meat to rest for 5 minutes before slicing and serving.

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